Sam Jarman

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Announcing Dev Chats Season Two!

Hi All!

Dev Chats is back again for its second season! In preparation for this season I’ve been approaching some really awesome developers, tech leaders, testers, security peeps and more. I’m super excited to hopefully get a wonderful range of people to talk about their careers on the series.

The season starts a with two great interviews with some people from my end of the world. Lexa Francis is a well renowned game programmer working in Australia and Jethro Carr is arguably the best cloud infrastructure engineer in New Zealand. I’m super excited to have their career thoughts on the page.

Recently I heard some words that rang true to me, I think from Roger Nesbitt. The were along the lines of; this industry won’t get better by accident. It’ll take a series of deliberate efforts to make it what we think it will be. And you don’t have to do anything big but if you can do just one thing to make it better, then we might just get there.

Dev Chats is basically this for me. I’m super proud to bring season two to life. I hope you enjoy it. Tell your friends. It’s also not too late to recommend someone either!
